The makers of Fortnite; the tower defence crafting, zombie horde culling action title have decided to take the latest video game trend known as Battle Royale and give it their own twist. At this point you’ll have a few different reactions… 1. A free to play game, I’ll give it a try. 2. Free to play… that’ll be pay to win or grind to win, or 3. Wait is this a PUBG rip-off?

Well, I’ve jumped in and I started off absolutely terribly getting killed almost right away but after a few battles I pieced together a few tips and tricks which made me a better player in solos and with teammates. I won’t talk about landing on roofs to find chest or the best weapons to use. I think at this point you already have a handle on that. Instead this is 8 ways to turn a good player into a great player. Ok, lets do this.

1 Hide in Bushes
2 Jump during close encounters
3 Land fast
4 Bait or Kill
5. Revive behind constructions
6. build around loot to protect yourself
7. Loot with your pickaxe to prevent picking up the wrong thing
8. Friendly fire is on! use it to your advantage

Fortnite: Battle Royale is now a permanent fixture on PlayStation Grenade. Please subscribe for more content.

About The Author


Gamer Dad and Creative Arts Lecturer. That guy off PlayStationGrenade and professional cheesecake eater. Potentially the missing link between humans and apes.

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