Easter Eggs

50 Secrets in Metal Gear Solid 5

With Metal Gear Solid 5 finally hitting PlayStation plus I thought now is the right time to take a look at the Easter eggs, secrets, referencesand the weird and wonderful cutscenes which are surprisingly missab...

Infamous Second Son | All Easter Eggs and Secrets

I’ve jumped back into famous Second Son latterly and noticed the sheer volume of easter eggs, secrets and cultural references scattered about the open world. If you’ve picked up second son on PS+ then here’s ...

40 Sonic Mania Secrets and Easter Eggs

Sonic Mania is a nostalgic thrill-ride of 16 bit splender. It’s literally one gigantic reference to previous sonic titles and 1990’s culture. Here’s 40 secrets, Easter eggs, and references we noticed and thin...

Just Cause 3 | Every Secret & Easter Egg

Just Cause 3 is crammed with Easter eggs, cultural references, memes and other secrets. On your way to Platinum this explosive sandbox heres 33 moments you should witness for yourself. 00:17 - DK Pistol - ...