
Things you should know about up coming games.

9 PS4 exclusives that will blow your mind in 2018

2017 was a bumper year for PlayStation gamers with a heap of Exclusives to play Nioh, Gravity Rush 2, Horizon zero dawn, persona 5, Gran Turismo Sport, Hidden agenda uncharted the lost legacy and so many more. ...

Battlefront 2 | 4 Ways Iden Versio is a Total Badass

Star Wars Battle Front 2 introduces us to story driven campaign which was sadly completely missing from it’s predecessor. WE’ve recently seen the first 3 chapters of that single player campaign and we’ve come ...

Extinction | 6 Reasons To Be Excited

You know what E3’s like… so many games are revealed, announced and uncovered that we miss a few games completely. Well for me one of those games was Extinction a fantasy ogre killing simulator, ok it’s more t...

Gran Turismo Sport | 12 Things You Should Know

Gran Turismo sport releases on October 17th GTsport is here, it’s a landmark occasion, the first GT title on PS4. After 4 years, the wait has been difficult for us and with many great driving sims on the ma...

WWE 2K18 | 7 New Features, Updates and Improvements

It’s the time of the year when annualised video games throw down their latest markers. The WWE and WWF video game lineage is no different and have been yearly outings for almost 18 years now. Oh how I miss the ...

6 Things the Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer Tells Us

Rockstar games have wet our appetites with the second trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2. In the 90 second preview we’ve seen a few of the activities we’ll be undertaking and whereabouts the story fits in with t...

Monster Hunter World | 5 New Details Revealed at TGS

Monster Hunter World is coming a lot sooner than I expected. During the Tokyo Game Show Capcom have revealed 5 details about the game which, if you’re looking forward to this action RPG like me, will wet your a...